Thursday, January 22, 2015

Final Exam - First Semester

1. What is your favorite photo from this Lens slideshow? Provide three reasons that it is your favorite. 

My favorite is the one on page 9. It's my favorite because the background and the dear fits perfectly together, when i'm looking at this picture i feel very peaceful and quiet. Almost seems  like i am in the picture as the dear. The mist made contrast with the dear so it made the dear more standout which is one of my reason to like this picture also. i also like how the photo showed rule of composition, the rule of third. 

2.Which photo is the best from the slideshow? Provide three reasons
page 7 was the best photo in this slideshow, because it showed life and movement inside this photo, it also showed the rule of third,the contrast of light between the man and the glowing balloons.which i think is the best.

3.What is your best work this semester? Include the blog link. Give three reasons why this is your best work. If you had more time, how would you do to improve the project.
The best work i had created possibly could be the boy in the after picture in the dark washing his face. Its my best work because it showed what i wanted to show, the calm and peaceful feeling of the photo but yet depressing in the same time. The contrast of light really stand out in this specific picture, and also there are more than one way to look at this photo like the reflection inside the mirror, "how would you know which is the real boy in the mirror". 

4.You chose three rules of composition. What are your three rules?

5.Select one of your own photos that illustrates your ability to apply at least two of the three rules. Insert the photo into the post and label the picture. Clearly include the two rules of composition that you are using.
Rule of third and shallow depth and field
I use composition of shallow depth and field, also the rule of third in this picture. Even though I did not showed the shallow depth and field in the photo well but is really obvious if you seen the before picture. It is the rule of third picture simply because the main focus(tree) of the picture is not in the center of the photo.  

6.I have three rules of composition. I have explained one already. What is my first rule?
My first rule of composition was the shallow depth and field. It shows A portrait or close-up that isolate the subject from a distracting background to emphasize one part of an image.

7.What are the benefits of working in groups? Provide a list with five benefits.
Working in a group has a lot of befits  not only for yourself  but also for your group members also. Working with a group can be a lot of fun, you will not lose interest on the thing you are working on when you tend to when you are working alone. You have backup ans support,when you did something wrong you can always count on your members to remind you and help you. You would have more people to share the stress, for example in a presentation you would be less stressed and nervous if you are with someone instead of going up alone in front of a crowd. It's more productive, simply because there would bee more than one person working on the same thing.Less time consuming when you are working with a group, you can divide the work instead on doing it all on your own. 

8.What are the difficulties of working in groups? List five difficulties.
1.lazy members that doesn't help
2.not fit to work with the people in your group
4.everyone has their own style of working, sometimes they would stand for their style instead of accommodate.
5. argue between member's own perspectives with another
9.What is your favorite work product produced by another person in this class? Provide the link to their work.
The first picture was my favorite.
A little history

10. You studied a master photographer and reproduced his or her work. Who was the photographer? What did the photographer contribute to the field of photographer? List one significant contribution.
My photography was Margaret Bourke-White and she was American photographer and documentary photographer. She is best known as the first foreign photographer permitted to take pictures of Soviet industry, the first American female war photojournalist, and the first female photographer for Henry Luce's Life magazine, where her photograph appeared on the first cover.

11. What is Dorothea Lange's most popular photo? (Does the photo have a name?) Where was the photo taken? When? What agency employed Dorothea when she took the photo?
Her most famous photo was called Migrant Mother took during the great depression under the agency of life.

12. Who was the creator/founder of Life Magazine? When did the (photojournalism) magazine begin publishing?
Time founder Henry Luce bought the magazine in 1936, solely so that he could acquire the rights to its name, and shifted it to a role as a weekly news magazine with a strong emphasis on photojournalism. LIFE was published weekly until 1972, as an intermittent "special" until 1978, and as a monthly from 1978 to 2002.

13. Robert Capa was a founding member of what organization? What year did the organization start?In 1947, Capa co-founded Magnum Photos in Paris with David "Chim" Seymour, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and William Vandivert. 

14. Robert Capa took the photo known as "Falling Soldier." When and where did he take the photo?
Falling Soldier taken September 5, 1936 at Cerro Muriano.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Master Photography Relfection

1. How do you think your project represents your work as a student?
The project represent my work by showing how hard i worked in this project.

2. How has your understanding of photography changed during this school year?
I thought taking a photo is a really easy thing to do, but now i think is really hard to take a meaningful picture.

3. What are some of the benefits of working in a group?
I learned how to get along with people and teamwork.

4. What are some of the disadvantages?
photography was so interesting, It consume a lot of my daily time.

5. Now that you have had more time to reflect, is there anything that you would have done differently with your recent project?
I would improve my photography skill 

6. Is there anything else that you want to include?
I will work harder

7.How does your work compare? 
Better than before

8.Were you surprised by some students? 
yes, some of my class mates are really good and i hope i can learn from them later on.

9.Did you surprise yourself?
yes, I never thought photography class could be so fun and interesting. My skill of taking a photo is getting better and better.